Veterans of Foreign WarsVFW Dode Morris Post 1760
Mesa, AZ

Teacher of the Year

VFW Post 1760 |

VFW Teacher of the YearPost 1760 is an active sponsor for the VFW Teacher of the Year annual competition. Without our nation’s veterans and teachers, America wouldn’t be the great nation it is today. Our youth deserve to learn about our rich history, traditions and the role of our veterans in creating and shaping America.

The VFW Teacher of the Year award contest recognizes three exceptional teachers for their outstanding commitment to teaching Americanism and patriotism to their students. Each year, a classroom elementary, junior high and high school teacher whose curriculum focuses on citizenship education topics — for at least half of the school day in a classroom environment — can be nominated for the nomination form.

VFW Cares About Education

Founded in 1899, the VFW highly supports the education of America’s youth. VFW and its Auxiliary have developed a slate of programs dedicated to helping America’s educators. VFW Citizenship Education programs stimulate interest in America’s history, traditions, Americanism, civic responsibility, flag etiquette and patriotism.

VFW wants to identify and recognize America’s best educators who instill a sense of national pride in students. It offers cash awards, commemorative plaques and all-expenses-paid trips to the VFW National Convention for these worthy teachers. The trip provides an opportunity for winners to network with like-minded individuals.

Teachers care deeply about America and its children. They’re concerned about the perpetuation of America’s noblest traditions and highest ideals. Wouldn’t you like to see them get the honor they deserve? Now you can…

VFW annually recognizes the nation’s top classroom elementary, junior high and high school teachers who teach citizenship education topics regularly and promote America’s history and traditions effectively.

2014 VFW Post 1760 Teacher of the Year
VFW Post 1760 Commander Dan Wilson presenting Post 1760’s Teacher of the Year award to educator Peter Jonovich. Peter took second place at the District 4 level. (Skyline Highschool – December 17, 2014)

Teachers who promote civic responsibility, flag etiquette and patriotism are prime candidates for this award. For example, do you know a teacher who plans field trips to city hall or organizes community volunteer projects? Maybe you know an instructor who invites veterans into the classroom to discuss their military experiences. Perhaps you are familiar with a teacher who fosters the development of democratic values and beliefs through special projects. If you know of such a teacher, honor him or her today with the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award.

How Does the Contest Work?

Based on the nominees submitted, VFW local chapters, called Posts, will recognize one outstanding teacher in grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Posts then submit these winners’ names and required documents to their District-level judging, who will forward their winners to the Department (or state) level. After judging, each Department then forwards the names of its winners to VFW National Headquarters for consideration in the national awards contest.

Who is eligible?

All current classroom teachers (teaching at least half of the school day in a classroom environment) in grades K-12 are eligible. Previous national VFW winners and homeschool teachers are ineligible. Nominations can be submitted by fellow teachers, supervisors or other interested individuals (not relatives). Self-nominees are not eligible.

How are teachers nominated?

Fill out the nomination form here and in 350 words or less, describe why you feel your nominee should be selected. Describe the teacher’s innovative teaching and resource development methods, as well as his or her dedication to education. Please submit your completed nomination form and signed essay to Post 1760, or visit for Post locations or call VFW Programs Department at (816) 756-3390 ext. 6287 to find the Post nearest to you.

All Post-level nominees, if they win, should provide a one-page resume, up to five pages of documentation of their teaching experience (references, news articles, etc.) and a head-and-shoulder photo of themselves. These items will be forwarded on to the District with the Post Teacher Entry form, nomination form and essay.

When is the deadline?

Nominations must be submitted to your local Post by October 31. Judging occurs November 1-15.

What are the National awards?

Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Awards VFW National citation for both the winning teacher and their school in each grade category.

Nominate Someone Deserving

Have a teacher in mind? Complete the nomination form and required essay, then submit it to your local VFW Post. The investment that a teacher makes in today’s youth will be the dividends we will all reap from future leaders.

Download nomination form.

Post 1760