This year we had another great Memorial Day ceremony with all those involved. Saturday, we had a good turnout at Mesa Cemetery to help with getting the flags out on the veteran gravestones. Frank Alger and the East Valley Young Marines were there again and coordinating the event, Dan & Courtney Fox, Dan Wilson (and Zane), Carey Slade, Barbara White, Katie Norton and Betty Jacot were also on site from Post 1760 in helping out putting the flags out (if you were there and not listed here, please email us so we can give you recognition for your help!).
Monday morning we had a great ceremony that was organised by the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 8 this year as it was their turn. Their Commander, Carey Slade (she does dual duty for both the DAV and VFW) and her staff did a fantastic job in putting this event together and to them much appreciation on a job well done! For Post 1760 we had Commander-new elect Jesse Chitwood along with all the before mentioned people from the Saturday before.
The proceedings started with the East Valley Young Marines presenting colors, followed by a greeting and pledge of allegiance from Commander Officer of the DAV Chapter 8 Carey Slade. Chaplain Paul Soderquist (DAV Chapter 8) was next with his invocation, then our keynote speaker Mesa City Councilman Mark Freeman had his turn at the podium with meaningful words shared commemorating the national Memorial Day holiday. Up next was the ‘laying of the wreaths’ by each faction that was on site which included the Daughters of the American Revolution, American Legion Post 26 and their Auxiliary, DAV Chapter 8 with their Auxiliary, VFW Post 1760 with their Auxiliary and the Viet Nam Veterans of America. Concluding the event was the rifle salute by American Legion Post 26 Honor Guard “Salute the Dead”, Taps by the American Legion Bugler, and then Chaplain Paul Soderquist’s Benediction and dismissal.
In closing the following was read to those in attendance during the ceremony;
“Veteran organizations, family and friends have gathered here to pay homage to our fallen Mesa Veterans. We wish to thank the Daughters of the American Revolution, American Legion, DAV, VFW, and the Viet Nam Veterans of America along with their respective auxiliary organizations for being here at this annual ceremony. We are proud that you are here honoring those that died to keep us free. God bless our fallen men and women from all branches of the military that have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country, Arizona, and Mesa.”
(*gallery of photos to be added w/this website migration – 2017)