With much gratitude and appreciation VFW Post 1760 received a monetary donation from the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs of Mesa (GFWC).
On November 14th, 2018 the GFWC hosted Ciders & Sliders. Partnered with downtown Mesa businesses Cider Corps and Worth Takeaway, they provided a food and drink menu special for guests who purchased advance tickets. There was an abundance of attendees at the event as tickets were sold out. Profits from the fundraiser resulted in cash donations to both the Mesa VFW Post 1760 and Patriot Paws, who provide and train rescue dogs to assist veterans.
The GFWC are a group of women who share an interest in volunteer community service for downtown Mesa. The original GFWC had been discontinued in 1979. In 2018 several community members led an effort to revive the historic club and use its historic clubhouse (located on the corner of Macdonald and 2nd Street). During their first year they have participated in several fundraising and service activities, including two Mesa parades!
The funds donated will be put to use in the Post’s Veterans Relief fund to assist qualified veterans in need.
For more information about the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs of Mesa (GFWC) visit their website at www.WomansClubMesa.com, and with social media their Facebook page.